Granite School District is launching a new and innovative Spanish Dual Language Immersion (DLI) school. Every class in this school, grades K – 5, will be a Spanish DLI. This exciting approach to DLI presents an amazing opportunity for students who want to fully immerse themselves in a dual language educational experience.
This new school will be located in the Valley Crest Elementary Building at 5240 W 3100 S in West Valley. A new school name and mascot will be chosen by the students during the school’s first year in operation.
This will be the first district-sponsored, Spanish DLI school in the Salt Lake Valley.
Any student starting grades K-2 can apply to attend. Students starting grades 3-5 with previous DLI or native speaking experience can also apply.
Frequently Asked Questions About the New Spanish DLI School
If my student currently attends the DLI program at Hillsdale, Valley Crest,or Monroe, do I need to re-apply and do I need to complete an open enrollment permit for them?
All existing DLI students at Hillsdale, Monroe and Valley Crest are guaranteed placement at the new school. We are requesting everyone reapply to project student enrollment. Please complete the application, so we know your child is planning to attend the new DLI school. Open enrollment permits will be completed after students have been notified of placement.
Will there be secondary DLI offerings in the Hunter Network?
Hunter Jr. High and Hunter High School will begin offering a Spanish DLI/Bridge pathway to students who are currently attending a DLI school or students who are heritage speakers and interested in joining DLI during their secondary school years starting the 2025-26 school year..
Will there be kindergarten in Spanish?
We are excited that the new DLI school will offer full day kindergarten beginning in the 2025-26 school year. Half of the day will be spent learning content in Spanish and the other half will be in English.
Will siblings of DLI students currently attending Hillsdale, Monroe, and Valley Crest get priority for placement in 2025-26 kindergarten and first grade classes?
Currently siblings of DLI students will be given priority placement in kindergarten and first grade. In subsequent years that may change depending on interest in the Spanish DLI school.
Can students start dual immersion at any grade?
Students can start in kindergarten, 1st, or 2nd without prior knowledge of Spanish. Students entering in grades 3-5 should be current Spanish DLI students, heritage Spanish speaking students, or be assessed to determine Spanish language proficiency that is close to language targets of DLI students.
Do I need to be tested to enter the DLI program?
Students entering the dual immersion program in grades K-2 do not need to be tested. Students who are not heritage speakers and have not previously been in DLI programs may be assessed to determine Spanish proficiency.
Can a special needs student enter the Spanish DLI school?
Dual immersion is open to all students. Special Education and 504 accommodations will be offered at the new Spanish DLI school.
Can an out of boundary student enter the program?
All Spanish DLI students currently enrolled at Hillsdale, Monroe, and Valley Crest will be given placement at the new DLI school. Out-of-boundary students will be offered placement if space is available. If there are more applicants than space available a lottery will be used to determine students to fill available spots. A waiting list will be established for future placement.
Will there be bussing?
Bussing will be provided from Hillsdale and Monroe Elementary Schools or locations within the boundaries to accommodate students who started the DLI program while attending these schools. There will not be bussing from other district locations.
Can I move from one DLI school to another DLI school within the Spanish program?
Students participating in Spanish DLI programs at schools other than Hillsdale, Monroe, and Valley Crest are welcome to apply for the new Spanish DLI school. Placement will be considered on a space available basis.
If I leave the DLI program can I re-enter the program later?
Students who choose to leave the DLI program may enter later if there is space available and they demonstrate their Spanish proficiency is at the level expected for their grade level or are heritage speakers of Spanish.
If you are not a dual immersion student can you attend this school?
All students attending the new Spanish DLI school will be participating in dual immersion. No traditional full day English classes will be offered.
Dual Immersion videos that could be included are linked below. Note: The Granite video needs to be updated to reflect the changes in school locations and also add Hunter Jr. and Hunter High to DLI locations.