Possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, paraphernalia, or other prohibited substances constitute a hazard to students and are disruptive to the educational process. Administrative Memo #95 (PDF)outlines the definitions, prohibitions, and procedures regarding prohibited substances.
· Possession, sale, use, distribution, or being under the influence of any prohibited substances is strictly prohibited while in any Granite School District School, during school hours, on school grounds, on the way to and from school, when students are being transported in school or private vehicles, or at school sanctioned activities.
· Sales of prohibited illegal substances by Granite School District students in locations away from the school that impact or do harm to persons associated with the school will subject the student(s) involved to disciplinary action regardless of time or place of the incident.
Procedural guidelines will be followed regarding student possession, sale, use, and distribution related to alcohol and other drugs listed in the definition portion of the policy.