Confused about your future career? CTE Pathways are your map to success!
Embark on a thrilling adventure with 35 diverse career pathways (think healthcare, tech, business) that cater to your unique interests and lead to high-paying, in-demand jobs. The possibilities are endless!
Start small: Take a class you like. Want more? Take another! Earn 1.5 credits to become a CTE Concentrator (excellent resume booster)!
Bonus: CTE concentrators graduate at a higher rate (96.5% vs. the state average of 88.2%)! Many even attend college or technical training or get hired after graduation (70.7%)!
Dive Deeper: Take 3.0 credits in one area and earn a Completer Certificate. Students with a completer are more likely to pursue postsecondary education, have a higher grade point average (GPA) in college, and are less likely to drop out the first year of college.
Ready to explore? Let’s find your perfect path!
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Coming Soon!
CTE CAREER CLUSTERS: Click on each image to learn more!
Or take a look at our Career Cluster list for a quick glance at all the opportunities.



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