Consent Agenda
Name | Current Assignment | New Assignment | Replacing | Reason | Effective Date |
Rachel Lowry | Assistant Principal, Academy Park & Pioneer Elementary | Principal, Twin Peaks Elementary | Rebecca Spence | Transfer | 1/30/2023 |
Rebecca Spence | Principal, Twin Peaks Elementary | Assistant Principal, Academy Park & Pioneer Elementary | Rachel Lowry | Transfer | 1/30/2023 |

Information presented on the NBA Charitable Donation for Lincoln Elementary School.
Study Session
Chief of Staff Ben Horsley presents information on LAND Trust.
Director of Policy & Legal Services Doug Larson presents information on the Open and Public Meetings Act.
Dr. Joan Bramble, Associate Director of Student Assessment, & Dawn Hauser, Director of Proficiency-Based Learning, present an update on Proficiency Based Learning (PBL) and Graduate of Granite Characteristics.