Administration Reports
Don Adams, Assistant Superintendent of Support Services, and Justin Naegle, Director of Architecture, Engineering & Construction, presented a Capital and Construction Update.
Assistant Superintendent Rick Anthony presented a Dual Language Immersion Update.
Board Meeting
Flag Ceremony and Pledge of Allegiance provided by Scout Troops 410 & 8410.

Reverence – Granite Technical Institute EMT students.
Representative Karianne Lisonbee was recognized as a Friend of Public Education.

Granite Police Officer Philip Afonso was recognized for his heroic actions when he rescued a man from a burning home while off-duty.
Granite Police Detective Christopher Mitchener and Sgt. Gabriel Johnson were recognized for efforts in quickly identifying and apprehending an attempted kidnapping suspect.

Granite School District Sterling Scholar recipients were recognized for their outstanding academic and community-orientated achievements.

Career & Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) Champions were recognized as State Leadership Conference winners.

Granite Technical Institute CEO students were recognized for their CEO Pitch projects. There were 398 entries from 10 states and 70 programs entered into Midland Institute’s National Pitch Competition and GTI’s CEO program had two finalists and one honorable mention.

Cottonwood High School’s Zahaia Cuevas was recognized as the 2023 Utah FCCLA New Advisor of the Year.

Students from Bonneville Junior High and Taylorsville High were recognized as Utah Underwater Robotics Competition Winners.

Olympus Junior High teacher JoAnne Brown was recognized as a finalist for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching.

Granite School District Administrative Office Professionals were recognized for all of their hard work during National Administrative Professionals Day on April 24th.
May is the month where we celebrate our teachers during National Teacher Appreciation Day and National Teacher Appreciation Week. Granite School District would like to thank all of our teachers for their time and dedication to educate our children.
Consent Items
Name | Current Assignment | New Assignment | Replacing | Reason | Effective Date |
Sharla Bynum | Assistant Principal Copper Hills & South Kearns Elementary Schools | Principal Truman Elementary | Jolynn Koehler | Retirement | 7/1/2023 |
Allison Gosch | Administrative Intern Eisenhower Junior High | Open Contract | TBD | TBD | 7/1/2023 |
Luke Allen | Community Outreach Marketing Manager SLC Public Lands Department | Associate Director Communications & Community Involvement | Matt Sampson | Resigned | 5/15/2023 |
First Readings
Doug Larson, Director of Policy and Legal Services, presented First Readings on:
Article X.A.6. Learning Materials.
Article IX.D.1. Continuity of Education for Homeless Students.
Article VIII.A.15. Student Dress Standards.
Second Reading
Doug Larson, Director of Policy and Legal Services, presented a Second Reading on Fiscal Policy, Section 15.
Board of Education Meeting live stream.
Board Administrative Session live stream.