Agenda and Supporting Documents
View agenda, supporting documents and presentations here:
Board Meeting Recording
Administrative Session Recording
Thank you to the South Kearns Elementary Choir for their great performance! Their song choice was an excellent reminder for those in attendance of the 50 states.

Two of the Granite Sterling Scholars were recognized for winning at the State competition. Congratulations for this amazing accomplishment and all the hard work that made it possible!
- General, Math: Dallin Soukup, Skyline High
- Science: Audrey Su, Skyline High (not pictured)

Spring Academic All State Athletes were honored. Congratulations students! (Not all pictured)

Individual State Champion Wrestlers and Swimmers were recognized. Nice work, athletes! (Not all pictured. Olympus Swim Individual Champions were recognized at a previous Board meeting)

CADCA (Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America) Youth of the Year – Giovanni Rojas
Congratulations, Gio!
Congratulations to our newly appointed administrators!

Hunter High School

Bonneville Junior High

Oakwood Elementary

Fremont & Upland Terrace Elementaries

Diamond Ridge & Wright Elementaries
Dual Language Immersion in Secondary Schools
Public Comment
A public comment hearing was held on the proposed reconfiguration of the Granger, Cyprus and Hunter Jr High networks. The Board approved the second reading of the recommendation and there was no public comment.
Reconfiguration in the Cyprus, Granger, and Hunter Junior High Networks
1st Reading: Article VIII.A.24. Electronic Devices and Acceptable Use of Technology
2nd Reading: Article V.A.4. Convicted Sex Offenders on School Property