Agenda and Supporting Documents
Administrative Session Recording
Board Meeting Recording
Lizzy Anderson – Hunter High School – was named as the LIA Regional Teacher of the Year

Congratulations to the 5A and 4A Debate State Champions!
5A 1st Place: Skyline High (4th year straight!)
5A 5th Place: Cyprus High
4A 4th Place: Cottonwood High
Individual 5A State Champions:
Jeffrey Zou, Skyline, National Extemp
Maylan Jessop, Skyline, Student Congress
Wilson Harding, Taylorsville, Informative
Individual 4A State Champions:
Katie Wilkins, Cottonwood, Student Congress – Katie was a finalist for the second straight year at nationals, where she took 11th place nationally last month
Jack Catten, Cottonwood, Lincoln Douglas
Zachery Affleck, Cottonwood, Impromptu
Rimsha Sameen, Cottonwood, Informative
Jack Catten, Cottonwood, National Extemp
AAA Lifesaving Award
South Kearns Elementary student Hector Lara was recognized for his heroic actions earlier in the school year for saving a student’s life while performing his duties as a Safety Patrol member. After setting up the standard cones and crossing gear, Hector was keeping watch as a kindergartner started to cross the street. Hector saw an oncoming truck barreling down the road, who was not slowing down for the crossway. Without hesitation, Hector grabbed the girl’s backpack and pulled her back onto the sidewalk, narrowly missing the speeding truck.
Hector, thank you for being a shining example of kindness and heroism in your community and our district!
Information Items
Leslie Bell and Scott Bell present on Trauma Informed Behaviors and Practices.
(Watch presentation from 29:23 – 49:29 in Board Meeting Recording )
Dr. Nye presents the Strategic Plan Update
(Watch presentation from 50:00 – 1:10:28 in Board Meeting Recording )
Action Items
Steve Hogan, Director Planning and Boundaries, provides the Population Analysis Committee (PAC) Boundary Study Update (3500 South Corridor). The board voted to continue studying the recommended schools. (Watch presentation from 1:11:14 – 1:59:22 in Board Meeting Recording )
Don Adams and Granite PD Chief Porter discuss continuation and improvement of the Weapons Detection and Security Pilot System. The board voted to continue to program. (Watch presentation from 1:59:32 – 2:04:31 in Board Meeting Recording )
1st Reading:
Article X.A.6. Learning Materials (update and clarifying existing policy)
2nd Readings:
Article VIII.A.34. Dual Language Immersion and other School-Based Programs