Board Meeting Summary
The Granite School District Board of Education held their November meeting on November 14, 2023. Click here for the full board report, including meeting recordings. Highlights included:
- Construction Updates (click here to review regular monthly updates)
- Performance by Wasatch Jr. High Jazz Band
- Recognitions
- Distinguished Service
- Coach of the Year
- 5A Championships
- Academic All State Recipients
- Public Hearing – Population Analysis Committee Recommendations
- Student Enrollment Report

Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment is the process through which Granite School District accommodates some students who want to attend a Granite school other than the student’s residence boundary school.
The Early Window Application Period for the 2024-2025 school year began on Wednesday, November 15, 2023 and ends on Friday, February 2, 2024. This is the recommended time to apply for the next school year. Click here to visit the District’s Open Enrollment Page.

Curriculum Night
On Monday, November 13th, the district hosted a Curriculum Night at Hunter Jr. High School.
Superintendent Rich Nye and Director of Curriculum and Instruction Noelle Converse shared a presentation about how instructional materials are chosen in Granite School District. Afterwards, primary and secondary curriculum specialists answered one-on-one questions from patrons.
View a recording of the presentation below.
Veterans Day
Schools across the district celebrated Veterans Day on November 10th with a variety of ceremonies and special events. Check out the photos in the album below. Thank you, Veterans!

Winter Weather Reminder & Emergency Alerts
As winter weather inevitably approaches, we wanted to remind you about Granite School District’s considerations for making decisions about snow-related school closures. This message also includes instructions for checking school bus status and ensuring that you are signed up to receive weather-related text messages and emails from the district.
First and foremost, please know that Granite School District aims to keep schools open whenever possible. Snow storms are a reality in the Salt Lake Valley, and though winter weather may present challenges, start time delays and distance learning days are rare. If you do not receive a notification of any kind of a start time delay or distance learning day, plan on school being open.
We trust parents to make the ultimate call when it comes to their child’s safety. Not all streets are plowed at the same time, and snow totals may differ from region to region. If you do not think it is safe to send or take your kids to school during inclement weather, please keep them home. School officials will be lenient regarding tardiness and absences during inclement weather.
Considerations for School Closures and Distance Learning
Prior to and during a snowstorm, we receive up-to-date reports on road conditions, bus transportation capability, and the status of our buildings. We will keep schools open if these reports indicate we can safely transport children, and open and operate our buildings. Additionally, as we see inclement weather in the forecast, schools are prepared to utilize technology for distance learning in lieu of a snow day.
In the event we do call for an official closure due to weather, under state law we are required to make up that missed day during the current school year. By enacting delayed starts or distance learning, we are able to meet the needs of students without taking away a scheduled day off.
Again, if you do not receive a notification of any kind of a start time delay or distance learning day, plan on school being open. You can check the status of your child’s school bus using the Here Comes the Bus app, available on The App Store and Google Play. This app shows the real-time location of your bus on a map, gives scheduled and actual arrival times for both home and school routes, and provides push and email notifications when the bus is near.
Here’s how to sign up:
- Download the Here Comes the Bus app from The App Store or Google Play.
- Tap Sign Up, then tap Continue.
- Tap I have the Code.
- Enter your email address, first name, last name, and school district code (29318). Accept the Terms and Conditions and tap Continue.
- Tap Confirm if Granite School District is displayed.
- Create your password.
- If successful, you will see a Thank You screen. From here, check your email inbox for a message from Open the email and click Activate My Account. Once completed, close the browser link. You may now open the app and sign in with your email address and newly created password.
Are you getting our emergency text alerts? Some parents may have initiated this block not realizing that they were blocking all district text messaging. Text messaging is the primary avenue for reaching parents during emergency situations, i.e. Weather closures or delays, and emergency protocol (lockout, lockdown, evacuation). If you have blocked this form of messaging and would like to start receiving messages again, please follow the instructions below:
- Phone calls: Call the Finalsite Phone Hotline at “855-502-STOP (855-502-7867)” from the phone line that has been opted out.
Text (SMS) messages: Reply “START” to “60680” from the phone line that has been opted out for non-emergency messages. Reply “START” for emergency Messages.