E-cigarettes/vaping has become a significant problem for our students. 2023 SHARP Survey indicates that 19 % of all students have tried vaping, and 9.4 % are currently using e-cigarettes. Vaping is still NOT safe for ANY young person, and it is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 years old to possess or use vaping devices.
- Nicotine is highly additive and has a negative impact on developing brains.
- Nicotine use primes the brain for addiction to other substances.
- Youth who use e-cigarettes are up to six times more likely than their non-vaping peers to use tobacco products .
- E-cigarettes produce an aerosol, not a water vapor. This aerosol contains harmful chemicals, and the long-term health consequences of vaping are unknown.
- Vaping can lead to lung damage.
Clearing the Vapor Course
Clearing the Vapor is a free online course provided through the Southwest Utah Public Health Department. Teens get accurate information about the risks of e-cigarette use/vaping, in an engaging social media-like format. This course is beneficial for all teens whether they have and have not used e-cigarettes.
Additional Information
Quick Facts on the Risks of E-Cigarettes – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Know the Risks – U.S. Surgeon General
How to Keep Kids and Teens from Smoking and Vaping – American Heart Association
E-cigarettes, “Vapes” and JUULs: What Teens Should Know – American Lung Association
Parents Against Vaping e-cigs (PAVe)
Stanford Tobacco Prevention Toolkit
Helping Students Prevent or Quit Vaping/E-cigarettes
This is Quitting – truth initiative
Smokefree Teen – US Dept of Health
Helping Teens Quit – American Lung Association
Don’t Get Hooked – See Through the Vape
For Educators
Stanford Medicine: You and Me, Together Vape-Free curriculum