Our district’s template for a school’s Behavior Plan addresses several separate but related state requirements and plans: § 53G-9-602, § 53G-10-407, R277-400-8, R277-609-2, R277-622-3, and R277-609-4.
- Key areas: bullying prevention, suicide prevention, substance abuse prevention, and teaching positive behaviors/fostering positive interactions (these fit great underneath your PBIS umbrella)
- This plan must be updated annually and made available to the public
- New and easy money – strengthen what you are already doing. See current year guidelines linked below.
- § 53G-10-407 (Positive Behaviors Plan) is “a plan to address the causes of student use of tobacco, alcohol, electronic cigarette products, and other controlled substances through promoting positive behaviors.”
- Plan Implementation funds – supplies, materials, equipment, advertising, targeted activities and incentives to increase positive behaviors in schools (cannot be used to purchase any type of food)
- Positive Behaviors Plan Specialist stipend(s) – (member of PBIS Team, Leadership Team, or Student Support Team)
- Positive Behaviors Plan Guidelines
If you need a copy of your school’s behavior plan send an email to Berenice Ayala at mbayala@graniteschools.org

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