Welcome to K-12 Music

The Arts have the power to fascinate children as well as adults. They promote creativity, deepen understanding, give power to personal expression and develop sensitivity. Their role and purpose in education is to discover and develop the marvelous assets and abilities that make up the whole person.
Physical Skills include acting, moving, dancing, singing, playing musical instruments, drawing, painting, sculpting and etc.
Intellectual skills include listening, viewing, analyzing, finding meaning, decision making and problem solving, creative thinking and critical thinking.
The following Social and Emotional skills are valuable fringe benefits that often develop through quality arts learning experiences: focus and control, self-awareness and human empathy, personal expression and interpersonal communication. Arts learning experiences commonly provide opportunity for unique individual growth and positive recognition.
What is Taught?
- How to perform music and theatre as a means of meaningful expression, discovery, enjoyment, and self-development
- How to listen, watch and respond to theatre and music, enjoy its emotional qualities, notice and describe its elements, recognize its excellence, and learn to understand and find meaning in them
- How to create original music and theatre, and/or make variations of existing pieces
- How to translate the sounds of music and theatre into written symbols and the reverse: producing live music and/or theatre from notation, symbols, and scripts.
Online Music Learning Resources
Utah State Board of Education Fine Arts Website
Provides a directory of Fine Arts organizations, professional development information, Utah Fine Arts Core Standards for elementary and secondary, and access to the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Elementary Arts Learning Program
Elementary Songbook– added 8/7/2020
Granite District Music Curriculum Maps
Curriculum maps include the state music standards and objectives, music vocabulary, music language objectives, lesson activities and resources.
Granite Youth Symphony
Summer Music Program Information
Access to Student Performances
Refer to the school calendars posted by each school website. Links to each school are found at the very top of this page.
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