In March 2018, students and staff in Granite School District checked out over 15,000 ebooks and audiobooks from our OverDrive Digital Library. The infographic below reveals the top five schools for the month.

For the first time, David Gourley Elementary takes first place with the most OverDrive circulations of any school in the district last month.

West Lake STEM Jr. High maintains their year-long streak as the top circulating secondary school.

You can see more of these infographics and monthly statistics for every school at our Granite School District OverDrive Usage site, created by Alyssa Carraway, administrative secretary in the Educational Technology department. Below are some year-to-date OverDrive stats.

(Granite’s OverDrive provides free access to ebooks and digital audiobooks for all students and staff in Granite School District. Granite’s OverDrive can be accessed on the web at or via OverDrive apps designed for various mobile devices. For more information or help getting started with OverDrive, visit
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