This summer we say goodbye to several members of our team, while also looking forward to welcoming new additions to our technology specialist roster for the 2018-2019 school year.
Warren Child, Library Media Educational Technology Specialist at Cyprus High School, who leaves us for retirement.
Colleen Hughes, Administrative Secretary in the Educational Technology office, who leaves us to pursue a new opportunity in another industry.
Tiffany Peoples, School Technology Specialist at Mill Creek Elementary and Sandburg Elementary, who has accepted a classroom teaching opportunity at Fox Hills Elementary.
Jayanne Unander, School Technology Specialist at Pleasant Green Elementary and one of our ETEP Trainers/Developers, who leaves us for retirement.
We wish each of you the best in your new endeavors and will miss your friendship and expertise.
New Hires
Tricia Fenton, our School Technology Specialist at Vista Elementary and Western Hills Elementary, will be moving into the Library Media Educational Technology Specialist position at Cyprus High School in the 2018-2019 year. Congratulations!
We welcome three new elementary school technology specialists to our roster in the coming year:
Kailie Nelson, coming to us from a 4th Grade classroom at Fox Hills Elementary.
Rebecca Vala, coming to us from a 4th Grade classroom at Spring Lane Elementary.
Margaret Yau, coming to us from a 4th Grade classroom at the Montlieu Academy of Technology in High Point, North Carolina.
Additional Information
You can find more information about our staff and their school assignments for the coming year on our directory pages:
- Educational Technology District Office Staff
- Elementary School Technology Specialists
- Secondary Library Media Educational Technology Specialists
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